Spanish Language and Culture School A Specialised language school aceitunas
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A selection of courses that we run are below.
For courses that we are running now, please go to Enrolments.

Survival Spanish for holidays Greetings and how to introduce yourself.
At the bar. Booking a table and ordering in a restaurant/complaints.
At the hotel. Checking in and checking out.
Going shopping. Buying and paying.
GCSE and A level revision We review grammar and vocabulary, following the syllabus for the required qualification. We teach and practice techniques to get better results in the exams.
Spanish for children Focus on kinaesthetic learning your children learn Spanish language and culture while having fun.
Ask for more information about provision for groups of children.
General business Spanish Learn not only vocabulary but the approach to do business with another culture. Learn how business works in Spain.
Taller de creatividad Una buena forma de aumentar y practicar tu vocabulario.
Desarrollo de recursos descriptivos, narrativos y argumentativos.
Realización de nuestros trabajos siguiendo pautas sugeridas.
Se trabajará de forma independiente con actividades en grupo.


To express interest in any of these courses, or for more information please contact us.

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